{ Overview }

The Challenge.

The Woodcote Rally started as a one-day event in 1964, donating the sum of £150 from the proceeds to the Village Hall Management Committee. Since that humble beginning the Woodcote Rally has grown to a full weekend event, raising over £500,000 for local organisations and charities over the years.

We took on the job of modernising the Woodcote Rally website back in 2016, and since then we monitored the website’s analytics to see how it was performing.

Even though online ticket sales were increasing year on year, it was apparent that people were finding it difficult to find some of the information they needed before visiting the Rally. It also showed that there were clearly gaps in the information on the website.

So, as well as giving the website a fresh new look we wanted to ensure the user requirements highlighted above were addressed, ensuring anyone who wanted to visit the Woodcote Rally had all the information they needed at hand.

Woodcote Rally Website
Woodcote Rally 1
Woodcote Rally 2
Woodcote Rally 3
Woodcote Rally 4


We always enjoy working with the Woodcote Rally committee and having the opportunity to work on their website again was good fun.

Not only were we able to give the website a new coat of paint, updating the site to make it even more visual than it was previously, looking through the analytics and search history from the previous years to re-architect the site to give the users what they want as easily as possible was a good challenge.

The Woodcote Rally has a fresh new website ready to help promote their next event.