Friends of Silsila
{ Overview }
The Challenge.
Friends of Silsila was set up by Swedish Egyptologist Dr Maria Nilsson and her British archaeologist husband John Ward (Darren’s cousin). The Gebel el Silsila Archaeological Project was established in 2012 and the project seeks to document and preserve the archaeological evidence contained within the 30km² Gebel el-Silsila site.
Over the years John and Maria have had a number of websites – none of which are still around – except for their blog on; yes, that’s still a thing!
So, we had a completely blank page to start this project, with nothing as a starting reference. Like a lot of industries and sectors on the internet, what we found in the field or archeology as we researched and looked for inspiration left a lot to be desired.

The Friends of Silsila now have a modern, clean, and fully responsive website to document their amazing adventure investigating the home to the people who built ancient Egypt.